J. Crew giving The Celebrity Experience?

Jackie Huba, over at The Church of the Customer Blog, shares an experience she had at J.Crew that sounds suspiciously like STAR Treatment! Check it out and then tell me if you don't think CEO Mickey Drexler is practicing the art of "and then some."

If you've read The Celebrity Experience, you know what I mean by "and then some." It's not just about giving good service but about adding those unexpected touches that WOW your customer and...dare I say it....make them feel like celebrities!

Pardon me while I head over to J. Crew for a little star treatment!

Kirsten Harrell reviews The Celebrity Experience

Kirsten Harrell posted a review of The Celebrity Experience over at her blog. Thanks Kirsten.

While you're there, check out ipopins! Quick affirmations you can shuffle with your music on your ipod. Mine keep me thinking positive while I'm on the road.

Donna Cutting